ViGuide connects you conveniently and quickly with your customers.
Monitor your online installations remotely and deal with problems as soon as they occur. As a web application and mobile app, ViGuide is accessible anywhere, any time and on most device without needing updates.
It lets you perform a range of important tasks more efficiently, expand your portfolio of customer services and boost customer satisfaction. All you need is a heating system with a connected gateway (Vitoconnect or new electronic platform) and a customer who uses the ViCare smartphone app.
Your customers can rest assured that you always have a remote eye on their facility, ensure that it runs perfectly and can quickly rectify any problems, in some cases even before they occur.
Works remotely and on site. Works on many mobile device. Works in all use cases. Software that grows in line with your business.
All of this makes ViGuide your number one online services tool!